All of us were young once and most undecided on what we wanted to do when we got thrown into the real world. Is college for me or not? A buddy of mine was working at a local plastics plant and said I should try the factory job out. The pay was fair, the work environment seemed safe, but I knew nothing about plastics at the time. The owner of the company was a great guy and offered as much training as one would want to take to learn about plastics. I saw this opportunity and actually took a liking to things once I understood the basics. He allowed me to learn processing on the first injection molding machine he ever purchased. There were only three knobs to turn back then: Peak, Hold and Back Pressure. If an injection molding machine that was thirty years old can make good parts then just think what new technology could do today. So I stuck things out and continued learning and growing in the plastics industry. That was 20 years ago and look at the industry now! If you or someone you know is undecided on a career path consider the plastics industry. It is a great return on investment and actually your investment is very minimal but can be very rewarding for many years to come.

Gabe Howard is a Technical Sales Representative at Sun Plastech, Inc. He has been in the plastics industry for years and is incredibly experienced in processing and in purging compounds.