Many processors know that they should implement a purge program but just don’t know how to get started. This is the perfect time to do something proactive to help boost your profits for the long term.
Plastics News is hosting a free webinar on Wednesday, October 12th, at 2 PM EST that will explain different tangible ways purging compounds can improve efficiency and will discuss several customer examples of how purge programs helped them reduce costs.
If you've been wondering about how to improve your process or have questions about what purge is right for you, this is a can't-miss webinar.
Purging Expert Chris Melchiore will help you get the most out of your process and set your team up for success to close out the year and start 2023 on the right foot. This presentation is helpful for injection molders and extrusion processors alike. Register for this webinar and learn how you can take your company's production efficiency to the next level.
Join us next Wednesday, October 12th, at 2 pm Eastern for "How to Pick a Purging Compound & Introduce a Personalized Purge Program"
Register today! You will learn to:
- Understand your processing data
- Choose a purging compound that fits your needs
- Address existing processing pain points
- Introduce a plan to improve efficiency moving forward
- Get several actionable tips that can provide major cost savings through reduced scrap and downtime.